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jeudi 6 décembre 2018

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By Steven Graham

At a young age, almost every child wants to be a pianist. Parents want to see their children achieve the best. They therefore enter them into music lessons with all the hope and enthusiasm. All is well until your child shocks you one day that he or she is quitting piano classes. Many questions will come to mind. Here are some of the expert explanations on why they might be dropping the classes.

They lack time to practice. Music lessons require a lot of practice. If children lack the time to practice because of school work or their guardians do not see the need, they will drop the lessons. As a parent, you should encourage practice and allocate time for practice to take place. This will encourage your child to become a master pianist.

Check whether the trainer is handling the students well. Musical instruments are supposed to be fun. Further, children have very sensitive personalities. If they are not handled well, they will abandon learning. Good handling involves speaking in a soft tone and explaining the concepts clearly. Identify a trainer who has a reputation of handling children well. You will keep learners in class longer.

The children could be under too much pressure to lean music. Ideally, musical instruments are supposed to be great fun. At the tender age, pushing learners too much is discouraging. At a tender age, children should be allowed to learn at own pace. They should also be allowed to be creative in order exercise their uniqueness. Allow each student to learn at own pace.

Did you choose the musical instrument or was the choice made by the learner? Piano appears as the ultimate instrument to learn. However, there are other options including percussion, drums, brass and trumpet. Let learners choose what appeals to them. They will be motivated to go to class on daily basis.

Choose a time when there are no activities demanding his or her attention. This means that attention will not be divided. Other children could be playing in the field or your child is too sleepy to learn. Even a child who is extremely passionate about music will abandon learning if other activities come in between. Ensure that the sessions are facilitated, including provision of instruments and the presence of a qualified teacher.

Competition is important when children are learning. When there is no competition, learners are complacent. With competition, they also show off a lot. There is also motivation because one can spot areas of strength and weakness while getting assistance from peers. Without competition, creativity will be diminished. Enter the children into contests and they will always look forward to the lesson.

There is a reason why a student would want to quit music. As a guardian, you have a duty to understand this reason. Too much pressure is discouraged. You also need to exercise a great deal of patience because musical instruments are arts that take time to perfect. With a friendly learning environment, you will have a star pianist within a very short time.

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