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mercredi 12 août 2015

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By Jennifer Marie Anderson

It's easy to see that well-versed pianists have similar character traits, from one individual to the next. I am sure that most can attest to this, especially when there are so many different styles of music that music enthusiasts can attest to. With that said, though, I think that it would be most important to talk about which of the aforementioned traits stand out the most. If you want to talk about the most useful ones, here are 3 main points to go over.

Work ethic is one of the most important points that the likes of music graduates can tell you of. There are many different genres to cover, which I'm sure anyone can attest to, meaning that a great deal of effort is going to be required. Fortunately, the best pianists understand this, which is reflective of the drive they possess. If you're willing to put in the work, you can learn anything; the art of playing the piano is no different.

Next, you must be open to practice, which can be done countless times during a single week. While this may sound like work, it actually works to a prospering pianist's benefit. The more that you work at this, learning new melodies and the sounds that different keys make, the sooner you'll be able to craft music with the highest degree of quality in place. It's just a matter of diligence, which is yet another character trait supported by any graduate of music.

Finally - and this may be the most important aspect - you must be dedicated to your craft. The best pianists are those which adore the piano, and cannot bear to be away from said instrument for an extended length of time. They simply want to learn more, by playing as much as they can and listening to the music of others so that they can receive inspiration. These are just a few ways in which dedication can be furthered, which is important when learning about any instrument.

To say that a pianist possesses numerous traits would be something of an understatement. Many others can attest to this sentiment, especially those who have learned how to play piano from the youngest ages possible. Learning how to play music should be fun, more than anything else, and it's easy to see that different characteristics can make the learning experience much easier. Once these are exhibited, the effectiveness of said learning experience will be hard to deny.

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